Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What color do you like?

What color do you like?
Sometimes colors represent lots of things in our life.
When I am blue I change my clothes in red I listen hot red music. It is getting better.
I usually like colorful clothes instead of black and white even though my principal doesn't like. The most favorite color is purple which my principal said dead color. I think purple is mysterious.


Grace said...

I like blue the most. I like the sky and the sea. I live in Sok-sho. Sok-cho is famous for beautiful sea. Do you know the sea has thousands of blue color according to the color of sky? I like to see the color change of the sea.

Nicole said...

Hi Alice,

I noticed you were wearing 'hot red' lipstick today :). I like oranges and reds. The are warm and passionate. My home is decorated in those colors.

Joseph said...

Hi, Alice.
I like black because it looks more luxurious than any other color to me. So many of my clothes and electronic gadgets are black. Nevertheless, my mind is not blcak but white.